We are looking for missionary doctors with a passion to demonstrate and share the Gospel as they serve among the unreached.
Do you have:
- A passion for medical missions work and disciple-making among unreached people
- Experience as a medical doctor
- The ability and desire to live and work overseas
- Sensitivity to cross-cultural issues
- A willingness to work with local partners
- A tolerance for uncertainty
- Imagination to see and exploit opportunities that may arise
- A desire to mentor and coach other medical professionals
- The ability and desire to go to the field now (within 1 year), including time to raise your missionary support and/or be self-funded
- A commitment to serving long-term in this missionary job
- A willingness to learn the local language
We have several urgent and ongoing needs for missionary doctors. We are looking for Christian medical professionals to serve in, help develop, and even pioneer medical ministries including mobile caravans, clinics, hospitals, rehabilitation settings and work among refugees.
We are also looking for missionary doctors who are willing to train, teach, mentor, coach and work alongside national medical staff. These setting are often informal and the critically important building of relationships requires patience, grace and time. In this community-based work, the acquisition of some language skills and sensitivity to cultural norms is crucial to gaining credibility as a medical missionary doctor.